AIRO IDLab Ghent University - imec

AIRO is a research team part of the research group IDLab. Our team is led by Prof. Joni Dambre, Prof. Francis wyffels, and Prof. Tony Belpaeme. Together with our team of researchers and students, we work on interdisciplinary research in the fields of AI and Robotics, ranging from social robotics to fringe machine learning. The lab has vast experience with neural networks and ended up several times as a winning team in international Kaggle competitions on image recognition. Get a full overview of the fundamental and applied research problems we tackle on the research page.


May 25, 2024 Four IEEE RA-L papers in the last year

At AIRO we published four IEEE RA-L papers in the last 12 months! While IEEE RA-L doesn’t have the highest impact factor, it is a well-received journal in the robotics and automation community. The publication of four papers in RA-L is a confirmation of our research efforts in the domain of robotics and AI.

May 22, 2024 Manipulating Challenging Objects with Collaborative Robots

The imec 40 year anniversary celebration ITF World event is a conference that brings more than 2000 technology experts together. We were present with our work on robotic manipulation of challenging objects in the context of a biotechnology lab.

May 20, 2024 Our cloth (un)folding competition was a success

The ICRA 2024 Cloth Manipulation Competition was a big success! Thanks to the 11 participating teams that took on the challenge of unfolding cloth! More details, code and datasets can be found on our competition page.

Mar 24, 2024 Talking Heads at Flanders Technology and Innovation

IDLab-AIRO showcased two social robots arguing about contentious topics at the 2024 edition of Flanders Technology and Innovation in Antwerp.

Jan 9, 2024 ICRA 2024 - Cloth Competition

This year’s Cloth Track of the 9th RGMC focuses on grasp point localisation on hanging cloth items. Teams can build their perception system in the months leading up to the competition, but performance will be evaluated on a dual-arm robot setup live May 13-15 at ICRA 2024 in Yokohama, Japan! You provide the grasp, and we handle the execution on our robots.

Have a look at our archive for more news.